Securify Password Generator


Secure Password Generator Tool

Secure Password:

About Securify

Securify is a client-side application, meaning that passwords generated here are for your eyes only, and are not saved by the application. Passwords should be copied and pasted into a secure location such as an encrypted file or password manager. It is possible to personalize the password you create with symbols, numbers, and upper and lower case characters, but it is recommended to use at least one of each. The more entropy (randomness) there is in your password, the more secure it will be.

Password Pro-Tips

  1. Never give your password to anyone. Even if they identify themselves as IT or software technicians. Never put your password in an email, text, or other digital communication, as it may be recovered by attackers in transit, or in email records saved on servers / PCs / mobile devices that you do not control.
  2. Don’t re-use passwords. Hackers are very aware that a large proportion of users do this, so if an attacker gets one of your passwords, they will immediately try using it on any other web platform that you use.
  3. Make the password at least 12 characters long. The longer the better. Longer passwords are harder for thieves to crack.
  4. Don’t post it in plain sight. This might seem obvious but studies have found that a lot of people post their password on their monitor with a sticky note. Bad idea. If you must write it down, hide the note somewhere where no one can find it.
  5. Consider using a password manager. Apps like Lastpass (Windows or Mac) let you create a different (very strong) password for each of your sites, but you only have to remember the one password to access the app or secure folder that stores your passwords.
  6. Consider using multi-factor authentication. Many services offer an option to verify your identity if someone logs on to your account from an unrecognized device. The typical method is to send a text or other type of message to a mobile device registered to you with a code you need to type in to verity it’s really you. In most cases, you will not be required to use this code when logging on from a known device such as your own computer, tablet or phone.